Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Story of the Walls

I enjoyed these playful wall covering by Nama Rococo. Lots of geometric shapes. Mixing  them with naturalistic shapes such as flowers and plants makes the room more interesting and fun! What really caught my attention is how the wall covering creates and tells a story.

Doesn't it?

More collection here. Enjoy!

source: nama rococo


  1. All I can think about is how hard this pattern would be to hang. LOL BUT, a professional paper hanger wouldn't have a problem at all!

  2. oh! Love the last wallpaper, it is so unusual!

  3. These are beautiful. I love how modern they look. I particularly like that last one, and the orange one. The orange one seems like it'd instantly light up any room! Thanks for posting these :)

    How is everything going with you, dear? I hope you're doing well!

    Love & Cake,

  4. I'm not a big fan of wallpaper. A white wall is more inspiring for me. :)

  5. this is so great. i would love a statement wallpapered wall in my living room.


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